The refusal to choose between believing in a god and not believing.
A system of ethics that promotes actions that benefit other people, usually requiring self-sacrifice.
The lack of a belief in gods.
The virtue of understanding that people have their own goals and desires, and promoting opportunities for cooperation by making interaction valuable, pleasant, and easy.
Benevolent Universe Premise
A view of the world that suggests we are well adapted to live in it.
A political system that acknowledges and protects individual rights.
A political system where the government directly controls all property or wealth.
The conditions or circumstances in which something exists.
A pair of categories that are mutually exclusive, and exhaustive.
An automatic response based on a person's subconsciously held value-judgments.
The branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of knowledge and our means of gaining it.
A mental process of willfully suppressing your knowledge of the world.
A political system where the government indirectly controls property through economic policy, regulations and controls.
A form of theft enacted by making a trade based on a lie, and keeping the property in spite of the property transfer conditions not being satisfied.
Harmony of Interests
When the interests of individuals are aligned such that a benefit to one is generally a benefit to the others.
The virtue of seeking the truth.
Idealism/Pragmatism dichotomy
The belief that being practical and having moral principles are in opposition, and you must choose one or the other.
The virtue of self-reliance.
Individual Rights
Social boundaries that permit individuals to act to promote their lives without forceful interference by others.
An increase in the supply of money, which often results in a general increase in the price of goods and services.
A process of connecting individual ideas into a cohesive unity.
The virtue of living by your moral principles.
Intrinsic/Objective/Subjective Trichotomy
Three opposing views of the nature of values.
The virtue of treating others how they deserve to be treated.
Law of Identity
The philosophical premise that every entity has a specific nature, existing in a particular way.
The art of non-contradictory identification.
Malevolent Universe Premise
The view that the world is inhospitable and that life consists of a constant struggle for survival.
The branch of philosophy that deals with that nature of reality.
Mind-body Dichotomy
A view that separates one's mind and body into distinct and unrelated areas.
A government policy to prevent freedom of competition within some area of the market.
Moral/Practical Dichotomy
The belief that morality conflicts with your practical interests, or that they are unrelated concerns.
A system for making decisions about what you should value or how you should act.
Objective Reality
The world exists on its own, independent of our wishes, feelings, or desires.
A method of evaluating knowledge based on whether it conforms to reality or not.
Practice-Theory dichotomy
The belief that theoretical models do not or cannot properly reflect reality, and so it is natural that when put into practice, the results will be unexpected.
The virtue of liking yourself, and making yourself worthy of it.
The virtue of seeking and achieving values.
Prudent Predators
Someone who promotes individual rights and pretends to adhere to them, but secretly violates them whenever he expects to get away with it.
The virtue of understanding the world in order to effectively live in it.
Reason-Emotion dichotomy
The false view that reason and emotions are unrelated and often opposing.
An action that in objective terms costs you more than you actually benefited.
A person who looks to others to decide his values or beliefs.
An assessment of yourself that consists of believing you are competent to live your life and worthy of living it.
Concerned with benefiting oneself.
Sense of Life
An emotional equivalent of a worldview, developed through a process of emotional integration over a lifetime.
Standard of Evaluation
A criteria by which you can compare multiple things, allowing you to judge them.
Trader Principle
The ethical principle that states we should offer value for value with other people.
That which you act to gain and/or keep.
A recognition of a moral principle that describes a causal connection between means and ends in order to pursue values.